11 November 2021
Families outraged after government hands award to DWP safeguarding team for “outstanding contribution”.
What: It emerges that the government handed DWP’s disability benefits safeguarding team an “outstanding contribution” award, just weeks after a coroner found that flaws in the disability benefits system helped cause the death of Philippa Day. The award was made by the cross-government Operational Delivery Profession, which is headed by Peter Schofield, DWP’s permanent secretary.
Why significant: Again shows deep-seated problems within the Civil Service over its refusal to accept that DWP has failed disabled benefit claimants.
Operational Delivery Profession Awards 2021 (this post was removed by DWP after the DNS story was published)
Families outraged after government hands ‘sickening’ award to DWP safeguarding team, Pring, 2021