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Kamil Ahmad, a disabled Kurdish asylum seeker, is murdered 

What: Kamil Ahmad, a disabled Kurdish asylum seeker, is murdered by Jeffrey Barry, in Bristol. Kamil’s asylum claim had been refused and he had no secure place to live and no money. On 9 June 2016 Kamil received a letter from social services informing him that his support was to end, making him street homeless with no financial support. 

Why significant: Rebecca Yeo, who knew Kamil, points out that “in 1999, under paragraph 115 of the Immigration and Asylum Act, asylum seekers lost the right to any acknowledgment of the extra costs associated with disability in the UK. Asylum seekers also became subject to forced dispersal to areas of low-cost accommodation around the country. This was more than a decade before similar measures were introduced in the Welfare Reform Act 2012, including the bedroom tax, and the reduction in benefits for disabled citizens”.


'Kamil Ahmad: failed by the Home Office, then murdered in Bristol', Yeo